Senin, 28 Januari 2013

Foto Buku Tahunan (season ke 1)

Hai semuanya!!
Gua mau bagi bagi cerita nih.....
hemm gakerasa banget gua udah kelas 9 yaps biasanya ya ada buku tahunan buat kenang kenangan nah itu juga ya dilakuin kelas guaa... yeeahhh gua sama temen-temen sekelas foto buku tahunan.
Dengerin yaa cerita gua.. hehehe
Jadi Kamis pagi tanggal 24-1-2013 itu tanggal merah nah gua sama temen temen sekelas ngumpul di sekolahan buat foto buku tahunan jam 8nan terus yang telat 15 menit denda 1000 dan itu berlaku berkelipatan. Nah setalah semuanya (gua sama temen-temen+bu Rahma,ms Liana,bu Roma,bu Nining+6 orang photographer) kumpul kita semua naik ke bus yang udah di sewa dari jauh jauh hari. Rencana pertama kita ke Taman Suropati yang berada di Menteng! Pas di Bus seru banget itu mah pasti.
Pas udah nyampe di Taman Suropati perkumpulan cewek dandan dulu setelah itu langsung foto, pertamanya foto dulu tuh perkumpulan anak cowok di kelas gua nah setelah itu perkumpulan cewek-cewek yang foto, nih gua unjukin fotonya......

nah itu tuh perkumpulan cewek-cewek wakakka.
mau tau gua yang mana?ahh kepo lu heheh engga deh canda udah ya gausah gua unjukin*pengenbangetngunjukinsih heheh

Terus sehabis itu baru deh foto bareng bareng perkumpulan cewek dan cowok ditambah wali kelas tercinta kitaa... BU RAHMA
Serius yaa demi gua seneng banget pas disitu bisa ketawa ketawa lepas bareng temen-temen udah bener-bener gaada beban deh ini hidup.

Ya gitu ceritanya pas di Taman Suropati udah dulu yaa semuanya....lanjut lagi nanti okeh season ke 2 foto buku tahunan wehehhe.....^.^

My Speech


Asalamualaikum Warahmatullahi wabarokatu.
Hi all, my name Nabila Shindyfebiola Pane. Today I will bring a speech about Youth.
Youth is a golden time in people’s life. In their youth, people are strong, healthy and full of vigor. So, we can say that youth is the best time for our young people to get well prepared for the task in the near future.
During this period of time, we should not waste our precious time in doing nothing. Being young, we are not only strong in body but also good in memory. In another word, we should learn as much as possible, and catch every chance to learn.
Every student knows the saying “Time and tide wait for no man”. In addition, we must have an eager desire. But only a lofty desire is not enough. One thing is certain that we have to us our time as best as we can, so our youth will be worth while. Thank You
Wasalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatu.

Polite Request

 Can & Could

 and Could are modal verbs used with other verbs to make 

Can/Could + Subject + Verb
·         Can you help me?
·         Could you open the door?

Can is used to make a basic request.

·         Can you pass me the salt?
·         Can you turn off the radio?

 is more polite than can, but has the same function.

·         Could you pass me the salt?
·         Could you turn off the radio?

 are used to turn basic orders into questions.  This 
is a much more polite way of asking for something rather than
making an imperative command.

Give me the salt           =>        Can you pass me the salt?
Turn off the radio        =>        Could you turn off the radio?


 is used with the verb like.  It is a polite way to say want.

Would you mind + V ing or Would you mind + if
1. Would you mind joining my club?
2. Would you mind walking my brother to school?
3. Would you mind locking the door?
4. Would you mind if I take your coat/
5. Would you mind if I bring your luggage?
I want a drink.                (Direct)
I would like a drink.        (Polite)

Would you like
 is used to make offers.

·         Would you like something to drink?
·         Would you like another coffee?

I would like
 is used to make polite requests.

·         I would like another glass of water please.

We can also use
 I would love, I would really like, I would 
, etc.

Examples Of Dialog:
1. Would you mind if i turned off the lamp?
     No, i don’t mind.

2. Do you mind if i turn on television?
     No at all.

3. Could i borrow some money from you,please?
     I am sorry i can’t.

4. Would you mind clsing the door for us, please?
     Why not.

5. May I speak with you?

6. May I come in 10 minutes late tomorrow? I need to take my daughter to school.
    Yes, you can. Thank you for asking

7. Would you mind lending me yours?
    Sorry. It doesn’t belong to me.

8. Could you show me how to make fried rice?

9. Take this note to the accounting department?
   Yes, certainly.

10. Would you like me to get you a cup tea?
      That would be very nice of you.

11. May i borrow your dictionary? I need to look up a new word
      Sure, Here you are.

12. Could you tell me the way to turn it off?
      That’s ok.

13. Can you show me how to update an anti virus?
      Sorry, I don’t know either.

14. Can you show me how to set the TV channels?
      I’m sorry, i can’t.

15. Would you mind repeating what you just said?
      Why not.

16. Would you mind waiting for a minute?
      No, I will wait.

17. Would you give me a ride home?
      Sorry. I'm not going in that direction.
18. Would you mind joining my club?
      Ok, sounds good.
19. Would you mind if I take your coat?
     Of course not.

20. Could you turn off the radio?
      Of course, sorry if it bothers.

Favourite pet's information

Hello....        How are you,miss? What doing well? I am doing well here.
I want to tell you a bit about my favourite pets.
                My favourite pets are a rabbit and a fish.
My rabbit's name is fauna, colour my rabbit is whitethe food is carrots, every day I get to spend three rabbits carrots, I put my rabbit in the home page are not at cage because that rabbits can I get some free play.
        I do not give a name for my fish, colour my fish is red, the food is pellets, of fish every day I can spend a lot of pelletsI put my fish in the pond my home page.
Served until now my fish are still there, but my rabbit was dead.
          Thanks Before miss......:)